Saturday, February 19, 2011

.: Bowling Tournament :., today is USM Geography Club Bowling Tournament....

pagi2 lg gigih bagun awal semata-mata nak gi main klu pergi class..tak plak segigih n...huhuhu

tempat quiet awesome....nak tau kat mana? tempat dia kat.....teng3x...

PENENG BOWL.....huhuhu....(saved the budget)..

Even though tak pandai main masuk juga la sbb nk sokong program club...

There are 3 person in one mamat mulu lava n la group saya.....
(muka semua nak bajet ala2 model hot kan..)

the right from sce math..and the other one is accounting student...mmg 2 mamat n pandai main plak mcm drug addict person....baling2 masuk longkang...habis kena kutuk mcm2..

It is a great memory to remember..even though... we got nothing unless.....
participation certificate we expected!!!...our group is 'the winer group' and i'm the one that they blame =_="
lepas habis program pukul 12...sempat la buat photo shoot kat depan peneng bawl...


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

:: Ecological Footprint ::

huhuhu...mmg tajuk nk bajet skema budak geo la utk 1st post..

tp bkn nak bajet poyo @ hot...cuma nak menasihati diri sendiri dan kawan2..
 Selalunya, isu2 alam sekitar n org xambil kisah sngat pn..maklum la..rasa xptg pn..buktinya, klu kita mkn something...plastic makanan tue kita buang merata2..Sebenarnya environment n lah bnda yg plg penting kita kena jaga...sbb this is the place where we live...

so, pa kaitannya penjagaan environment dengan ecological footprint right?
its actually two things that connected each other..what is ecological footprint then?

Ecological footprint ialah satu ukuran terhadap demand manusia kpd ekosistem bumi..
Graph showing ecological footprints of nations along with the Human Development Index  (google jur)

As we know...Malaysia rich with natural resources but sadly the Malaysia always waste it...

for example..penggunaan air...klu kita berus gigi..mesti kita biarkan ye paip tue terbuka
penggunaan elektrik...klu kita tiada di rumah, sering kali kita x switch off kipas @ lampu
penggunaan telefon bimbit (smpai 3-4 phones/ individu)
benda2 mmg kecil but actually  it does give effect to our mother nature..
we must remember..our earth is getting older n older..
mcm tutor sy kata..bumi ni satu ye..smkn kita guna..smkn sumber tue berkurang
so please love our mother nature dengan BERJIMAT dalam menggunakan sumber alam...
klu setiap individu dlm Malaysia n bijak menggunakan sumber..for sure...our Malaysia will be awesome country..

cara-cara berjimat:
1-say no to plasctic beg-eco beg
2- use public transport
3- bersederhana (xpayah la pakai handphone smpai 10)
3- utamakan yang ptg...cth: klu 2,3 hari hujan lebat...and the next day xhujan..rasa nya xpyh la nk water plan...JIMAT DUIT SKALI
5- klu xpanas sngat 2..xpyhla guna air-cond or fan
7-sharing is caring

ok..thats all: pesanan utk diri sndiri..jgn terasa plak =)